TOMS RIVER – There will be a place for every Eagle Scout’s name to be recorded for all to see in the Toms River Municipal Building.
Eagle Scouts serve as mentors for younger scouts, and often become leaders in the community, said Councilman George Wittmann Jr., an Eagle Scout himself. The names of the scouts and some information about them will be on display indefinitely.
From 2009 to now, there has been about 93 Eagle Scouts, he said. Every time a boy achieves that rank, they would be added.
At the most recent Township Council meeting, four scouts were honored for their dedication to the community. Three boys became Eagle Scouts recently and one girl achieved the Gold Award.
Zach Dougherty took the “littles” from the Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Ocean County on a fishing expedition on Lake Shenandoah, and provided them with a fishing kit, and educated them on caring for the environment.
Cattus Island was seriously damaged by Superstorm Sandy. David Leadbeater’s Eagle project was to restore a trail off the yellow trail. Michael Centeno’s project was taking apart a damaged boardwalk and replacing it.
Christine Apostolico achieved the highest rank for Girl Scouts, the Gold Award. She explained that she built a garden near JBJ Soul Kitchen, so that the restaurant and nearby food pantry can use what grows there. She taught kids from the Toms River Nursery School to plant everything there.