TOMS RIVER – The Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office, led by soon-to-be former Prosecutor Joseph D. Coronato, continues its list of firsts in the state: its digital forensics laboratory the first non-federal digital forensic crime lab in the state to be accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation.
“This coveted accreditation places the Ocean County Prosecutor’s High Tech Crime Unit Forensic Lab capabilities and evidential findings at the pinnacle of digital forensics,” said Ocean County Freeholder John P. Kelly, Director of Law and Public Safety. “We are very proud of the efforts of Ocean County Prosecutor Joseph Coronato and his staff in achieving this accreditation which is a several year process.”
It took several years of training and equipment upgrades to meet the standards for accreditation.
Law enforcement and other agencies use digital forensics to recover digital evidence in legally accepted ways. They obtain evidence through software programs, operating systems, hard drives and other technologies.
These forensic scientists can locate deleted, encrypted or damaged files that may serve as evidence in criminal or terrorism investigations. They can also examine video, computer, mobile and cellular devices.
“The examiners serve as subject matter experts on all matters related to digital evidence,” Coronato said. “We serve all law enforcement agencies within Ocean County, the State of New Jersey and Federal agencies upon request.
“The Ocean County Prosecutor’s Digital Forensic Laboratory is the first digital forensic laboratory in the state and this is the first time we or any other state level agency has received accreditation in digital forensics,” he said. “This accreditation is the result of solid teamwork by my staff and that of the Board of Freeholders. It shows what can be done when everyone works together for a common goal.”
The FBI’s Regional Computer Forensic Laboratory in Hamilton is the only other digital forensic lab in the state that’s accredited.
“It is with great pride that I commend my High Tech Crime Unit Supervisor Sgt. James F. Hill and his staff for tenaciously striving to achieve such a high level of forensic excellence,” Coronato said. “I wish to thank and recognize the Ocean County Freeholders, Administrator’s Office and Building & Grounds – specifically Freeholder Jack P. Kelly, County Administrator Carl W. Block and Assistant Administrator Michael J. Fiure, and Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Joseph J. Meyers.
“It was with their support and firm commitment to our efforts that truly helped make this ambitious quest a reality,” Coronato said.
Ocean County Freeholder Director Gerry P. Little congratulated the entire Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office on achieving this “Gold Standard” for forensic testing.
“A lot of work and a lot of effort went into this,” Little said. “We know this standard will continue for years to come.”
“Most importantly, being inspected and accredited by the Forensic Examination Accreditation Program instills public trust by assuring OCPO’s Lab meets regulatory and statutory requirements that ensure a robust system of quality assurance and control,” Coronato said.