Celebrate Pretty In Pink, Handsome In Blue Day Those Affected By Cancer

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  TOMS RIVER –   The Ocean County Health Department (OCHD) announced that this year Pretty in Pink and Handsome in Blue Day will take place on October 21.

  Pretty in Pink and Handsome in Blue Day have been celebrated for almost two decades by Ocean County residents, recognizing the strong individuals who are touched by cancer.

  “Cancer is a terrible disease that impacts the lives of so many people every day in Ocean County,” explains Ocean County Freeholder Gerry P. Little, liaison to the Ocean County Board of Health. “In an effort to show support to those individuals we encourage everyone to wear something pink or blue for the day to show your support to these brave individuals and their loved ones.”

  The American Cancer Society estimated that in 2020, more than 53,000 New Jerseyans would be diagnosed with cancer and more than 15,000 would die from the disease. It’s also estimated that a total of 606,520 Americans will succumb to cancer in 2020.

  The most common types of cancer are skin cancer and breast cancer, with breast cancer continuing to top the list with more than 270,000 people expected to be diagnosed in the United States this year.

  “Just about everyone has someone in their lives whether a family member, friend, neighbor or co-worker that has been diagnosed with some form of cancer,” says Daniel Regenye, OCHD Public Health Coordinator/Health Officer. “Along with wearing something pink or blue on Wednesday, let’s take a few minutes to remember those people who battled or continue their fight against cancer. It’s a disease that doesn’t discriminate and in many instances gives little or no warning that’s why early detection is the best way to save lives.”

  The sooner you can detect the disease, it’s more likely to prevent it and for doctors to provide a solution. 

  Pretty in Pink, Handsome and Blue Day was created to inspire individuals to meet with their health care provider to discuss potential cancer and other possible health risks.

  The good news is there have been significant advances in cancer treatments over the last several years and people are living longer,” added Regenye. “On October 21, Ocean County will salute all the people that have had to struggle with cancer. Let them know you care by adding a little pink or blue to your wardrobe that day.”  To find out more about Pretty in Pink, Handsome in Blue Day, visit the ochd.org.