MANCHESTER – Watering restrictions are being put in place for Manchester residents in the township’s Eastern Service Area due to mandatory repainting of the water tower on Route 37 near town hall. Officials said $1.5 million in bonds has already been appropriated to repair and repaint the tower, as its current coating suffers from severe deterioration and is clearly visible as rust.
The maintenance work, which will take place this month, requires the entire water tank to be drained so both the inside and outside of the tank can be repainted. This means that water use needs to be reduced to maintain an uninterrupted supply of water and also preserve water in case of an emergency, such as a fire.
The Water Utility’s Eastern Service Area includes areas of the township along Route 37 and east of Route 37, as well as the Lakehurst Naval Air Engineering Station/Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst. Restrictions begin on September 11 and will continue until further notice.
Watering in this case is any sprinkling, watering or irrigation of shrubbery, trees, lawns, grass, ground covers, plants, vines, gardens, vegetables, flowers or vegetation.
The restrictions apply to all residential and commercial properties in Manchester located in the Water Utility’s Eastern Service Area, with the exception of public parks, public recreation areas and nurseries. No outside watering is permitted after September 11, with the exception of hanging plants and newly seeded or sodded lawn areas within a 30-day window. These areas must be marked with a sign visible from the street indicating that they are newly seeded with the date they were planted.
Residential and commercial properties being serviced by other water utility companies or that retrieve their water from private wells do not need to follow these restrictions. These residents should put a small sign visible from the street on their front yard that says “private well” when watering outside.
Residents who violate these restrictions will be subject to fines.
In addition, residents are advised to follow these additional water conservation practices:
- Use self-closing nozzles on hoses.
- Use a broom to sweep sidewalks or patios rather than a hose.
- Run washing machines and dishwashers only when full.
- Turn off faucets when not in use, such as while brushing teeth or washing dishes.
- Use soaker hoses or drip irrigation to water trees, gardens and flower beds.