JACKSON – Bartley Healthcare participated in the Marine Corps Reserve’s Toys For Tots nationwide toy drive for the 18th consecutive year. Bartley Healthcare, and The Orchards at Bartley Assisted Living, both hosted as drop off points for Toys For Tots. Between the two buildings, they collected three big boxes of toys. “This is everyone at Bartley’s favorite drive to contribute to. We could not be happier to give gifts, and send a message of hope to the less fortunate children in the community”, stated Debbie Shapiro, The Administrator at Bartley Healthcare.
Participation in Toys For Tots is only one example of Bartley Healthcare’s commitment to community service, a commitment it has held since its inception in 1985. The campus not only supports charitable causes, it also makes available its facilities, and 25-acre campus, for community and professional events.
This is the 68th year that Toys For Tots will be providing holiday cheer to underprivileged children. Last year, various sites in Ocean, Monmouth, Somerset, and Middlesex counties, including Bartley Healthcare, collected more than 200,000 toys. Last year, TOYS FOR TOTS total support and revenue was $269,606,861.
For more than 30 years, Bartley Healthcare has provided quality individual focused skilled nursing, rehabilitation, and assisted living services for residents on its 25-acre campus in Jackson. Founded in 1984, Bartley Healthcare has long been recognized as an award winning, quality leader with the experience in skilled nursing, post-acute care, and assisted living having been listed by U.S. News & World Report as one of America’s Best Nursing Homes. Bartley Healthcare is Joint Commission accredited with special certification for their Memory Care and Post-Acute Programs.
For more information, visit bartleyhealthcare.com or call 732-370-4700.