More Warehouses Planned In Howell

(Micromedia File Photo)

  HOWELL – The owners of a warehouse in Ramtown off Greenville Road have a plan to build a new structure, tripling the size of their property, according to documents.

  The proposal includes building out 45,973 square feet of warehouse space and 9,402 square feet of offices. The new warehouse and offices will go between an existing structure and another they plan to build. This project will triple the warehouse space already on the parcel in the existing building.

  The firm Perez & Ragosti Associates proposed the new warehouse building for ‘The Fishing Line LLC,’ according to documents. The property owners, who formed a Lakewood-based LLC, were tied to Brooklyn-based Dagim Fish.

  Since the majority of the parcel lies on a rural and agricultural zone, the proposal would need to be granted a variance by the Zoning Board of Adjustment to continue.

  The parcel would be built near where Monmouth Commerce Center LLC wants to build a much larger warehouse complex as well. These are two of four separate major projects, within just a two-mile radius, that have been proposed in the past. These projects include: 41 Randolph Road, Monmouth Commerce Center, Waste Transfer Station and now 366 Greenville Road in Ramtown.

  The Monmouth Commerce Center LLC, who wants to build a larger warehouse structure measuring about 1.2 million square feet, are currently suing to overturn the Planning Board’s rejection of their proposal. This topic has involved much backlash from neighbors and the township’s Environmental Commission.

  The Environmental Commission stated previously how the area is home to “endangered plant species; swamp pink (flower), and is an acknowledged habitat for an endangered species.” They also believe that the new development would harm water quality in nearby streams and bring air and noise pollution.

  At the February 8 township Zoning Board meeting, the 366 Greenville Road proposal was scheduled to be heard. However, after reviewing letters from the township’s engineering, planners and environmental commission, they owners have decided to remove the application from the meeting’s agenda.

  The firm wants more time to look at comments and concerns from the commission and public. They may possibly change their plans and reduce the size of the proposed addition on the site.

  The application has been rescheduled to be heard on April 12.