HOWELL – At a recent meeting, the Township Planning Board approved the addition of eight electric vehicle charging stations to be installed at the Wawa on Route 33.
The board members present unanimously voted to approve the request from Tesla, Inc. to install eight Tesla chargers at the Wawa, alongside some additional site improvements “consisting of associated electric transformer, meter and cabinets, underground electric conduit from an existing utility pole along the Route 33 site frontage, and extension of electric service to said utility pole from across Route 33 on premises known as Block 175, Lot 40.02, 909 Route 33.”
At the meeting, a representative from Tesla, Inc. stated: “We are not proposing any true improvements at this site; we are using existing parking spaces and simply installing the electric chargers.”
Tesla, Inc. is an American auto company specializing in electric vehicles.
According to the US Department of Energy, all-energy vehicles, such as the Tesla, boast various advantages over regular gas-fueled vehicles including: energy efficiency, environmentally friendly, performance benefits, and reduced energy dependence.