NEW JERSEY – Ahhh the aroma of the freshly brewed beans. The sweet, glorious sound of that hot liquid pouring into the 16, 32 or 64 ounce cups. Thirsty yet? One of the great pleasures of being a grownup is the ability to enjoy a fresh cup of Joe. Not only is the caffinated beverage a staple of most people’s mornings, many of us fill up the mug throughout the day. However, coffee always tastes even better when it’s FREE.
Guess what? You’re in luck! Today is September 29th, 2017 and that means it’s National Coffee Day. Before you push and shove to get your freebie, relax. Several retailers around the Garden State and at the Jersey Shore are offering free coffee all day long – while supplies and cups last.
Some locations that are marking the occasion include the following:
7-11 has a FREE coffee if you hold a 7Rewards card
Dunkin’ Donuts has a deal – get a FREE medium hot cup of coffee with the purchase of another at participating locations
Cinnabon will be offering a FREE 12 ounce cup
Cumberland Farms has a text offer. Text the phrase “freecoffee” to 6482 and you’ll be treated to a mobile coupon good for a free hot or iced cup.

Wawa also has FREE coffee in any size all day long. Oh, and while you’re grabbing your free cup, be sure to pick up a copy of Micromedia’s newspapers in the front vestibule. While the coffee is only FREE today, our high-quality Times newspapers are ALWAYS FREE.
Feel free to share other FREE coffee locations on our Facebook page!