ASBURY PARK – A “Stand Against Hate” rally will take place in Springwood Park at 10 a.m. on Labor Day, September 4, to bring the local community together in a message of unity and peace.
The rally is the result of two local women, Nicolle Harris and Jess Alaimo, joining forces with other community leaders to fight back against the recent events in Charlottesville, as well as recent news of Neo-Nazi flyers being posted around Asbury Park.
Over 50 local groups will join the rally, including Second Baptist Church, The Mayor’s Office, New Jersey Natural Gas, Senator Jennifer Beck (R), Women’s March Asbury Park, Garden State Equality and Iraq Veterans Against War.
The rally is non-partisan and will feature various speakers and guests. For more information, visit facebook.com/events/26462510275422 or email harrisnicolle1@gmail.com or jessalaimo@gmail.com. Donations can be directed to tinyurl.com/APStands.