With the birth of a new year, we are preparing to mark our twenty-second anniversary on April 18 by continuing the mission to which we have always been dedicated. This mission, which has been contained within the first edition of all our seven weekly newspapers we have launched to date, in essence states that “the mission of a local newspaper should be to promote the highest ideals of community life,” by publishing “accurate, comprehensive news and lively commentary” so that “our readers are encouraged to feel the fulfillment of participating in all aspects of their community.”
In commemoration of our 20th anniversary, the success of our mission was validated by a proclamation issued by the Ocean County Board of Freeholders, as well as a number of municipal officials representing the communities which we serve. Moreover, we have used our publications and online presence for the benefit of many worthy non-profit organizations through the years. One of our most important commitments for many years has been to the Ocean County Vocational – Technical Schools, where both I and members of our company have held trustee seats on its foundation for the purpose of raising money in support of the schools and its students. In the evolution of the modern workplace, this mission is more important now than ever.
As we move forward and our mission continues, we have augmented our weekly newspapers with an increasing online presence, including all forms of interactive social media, so that we can ensure that our mission will continue and increase in relevance for many, many more years to come.
Stew Swann
President & Publisher