New Egypt Family Has A Lead On High End Bike Thief 

Photo courtesy Erica Harper

NEW EGYPT – The local family who was the victim of a high end bike theft earlier this month is reaching out for help once again.

Erica Harper and her husband are asking for anyone with information about the vehicle in question to contact them so they can track down the alleged thief. They are also still offering a sizeable reward of $6,500.

Captured by security footage from the Agway in New Egypt, Erica Harper posted a video today of the truck they believe to have transported their stolen goods from their residence on Aug. 13.

“We know for sure our bikes were in the back of that truck,” said Harper.

The video shows a black truck traveling shortly after 3 a.m. on Monday, August 13. Harper described the vehicle in her post: “I am looking for a F250-F350. I am almost positive it is a black or dark colored four-door short bed, it is a diesel probably 2005 to 2007.”

She also noted that the truck was distinctive because it appeared to be customized. Other features of the truck include lifted 35 inch tires, chrome running boards, loud exhaust, five roof cab lights, mirrors with marker lights and factory fog lights that are very close to the license plate, according to Harper’s social media post.

“If you have any information on this truck please call me or message me [on Facebook] I will pay money for good information,” she stated.

Harper said that the family has been working with Plumsted Police. Police have not yet confirmed the truck belongs to the alleged thief or is in fact carrying the Harper’s belongings.

On August 13, Harper and four other families in adjacent townships became the victims of various bike thefts throughout the area. The thief took two 2018 KTM 125’s #47, a Kawasaki 110, and a 2009 450 Suzuki from the barn on her property. A photo posted to Harper’s Facebook shows that the window in the door to the building was smashed in the lower corner to give the thief access.

Photo courtesy Erica Harper

The family is offering up $3,500 to anyone who can provide them with information about their bikes and the suspect who took them. She also noted that the other affected families are offering up $2,000 and $1,000 for information, totaling a $6,500 reward for helping locate the stolen bikes.

“We need to get the people that did this so they can’t steal anyone else’s stuff,” stated the post.

Anyone with information can contact Harper at 908-902-9970.