HOWELL – Howell Township is assisting in the rebuilding process following the August 13 storm by waiving all construction permit fees.
Heavy rainfall caused severe damage to numerous New Jersey towns, including some areas of Howell.
Jersey Shore Online reported on various effects of the storm at the time. Emergency crews were unable to access a patient on Winding Brook off Route 547 due to flooded roadways. Ramtown-Greenville Road, at the bridge between Arnold Boulevard and Moses Milch Road, also collapsed during the storm.
“The Township Council is cognizant and supportive of the will and desire of our residents and businesses to rebuild a stronger Howell Township and is at the ready to assist in this process,” stated the township on their website.
All municipal construction permit fees necessary for repairs to Aug. 13 storm damage will be waived by the township on or before Sept. 30, according to the township.
“The damage must first be inspected by the Building Department and confirmed as having been directly caused by the August 13, 2018 storm,” the township added.