OCEAN COUNTY – If you plan to run as a candidate for your local school board you have until July 25 to file your nominating petition with the county.
Ocean County Clerk Scott M. Colabella said that potential candidates are encouraged to contact the election staff at 732- 929-2153 with regard to petition filing. Petition packets for school board candidates can be mailed to candidates from the election staff.
Petitions by candidates have to be in by 4 p.m. on July 25 at the Ocean County Clerk’s Office in order to have their name placed on the November 8 General Election Ballot, according to officials. All completed petitions can be submitted to the Ocean County Clerk’s Office, Ocean County Courthouse at 118 Washington Street in Toms River.
Colabella reminded residents that all Ocean County school districts now hold their Board of Education elections in November. The petition filing deadline for school board candidates had been moved from June to the last Monday in July to provide candidates with more time to submit their petitions.
Colabella said candidates can file jointly for the same office, title and term. “More than one candidate can appear and circulate the same petition for the same office and term. In the past, petitions had to be filed separately, even if all the candidates were running on one slate.”
Candidates also have the option of selecting a slogan of no more than three words to appear on the ballot under their name. The slogan selection is part of the petition.
All candidates are required to file a Disclosure Statement with their petition according to Colabella. The statement declares a candidate is not a disqualified voter and has not been convicted of a disqualifying crime. Candidates are requested to provide an email address on their nominating petitions.
“It is important potential candidates know the requirements in order to help the petition filing process go smoothly. It’s also important that candidates get their paperwork in on time,” he added.
Ocean County Commissioner Gary Quinn said, “through the office’s website, social media, and other avenues, County Clerk Colabella provides the information needed by both candidates and voters.”
This November, a total of 70 school board seats will appear on the ballot in various school districts throughout Ocean County. A complete listing of all candidates who file petitions for school board will be available shortly after the July 25 deadline at oceancountyclerk.com or facebook.com/oceancountyclerk.