Micromedia Publications/Jersey Shore Online is seeking a part time reporter to cover Howell Township in Monmouth County. Candidate should have writing/reporting experience.
Candidate must be available to cover evening meetings of the local government, generally one night per week, and may also be asked to attend community events, fundraisers, etc. Conducting phone interviews is understood to be part of the job.
In addition, the ideal candidate will have the ability to take photos to accompany features.
The position requires providing 2-4 stories per week, with photos, every week, on deadline. This PART-TIME position is an at-home job; stories will be submitted via email. A full-time position is not currently available.
Candidates should send their resume along with 1-3 writing samples or links to your writing. Resumes without writing samples WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.
Email resumes and writing samples to News Editor Chris Lundy – clundy@jerseyshoreonline.com