LAKEHURST – It didn’t feature Chiefs or Eagles, but a recent event hosted by the Borough’s Historical Society was equally “souper.”
A lot of fun and food was cooked up at the Borough Community Center during this year’s Lakehurst Historical Society Soup R Bowl Chili Challenge. Joining the LHS were local clubs and organizations whose members made soups and chili and competed for the trophies of People’s Choice.
Among those groups hitting the gridiron were the Borough First Aid Squad, Police Department, Fleet Reserve, Arista Care Cooking Club, and LHS itself.
Attendees also had the opportunity to win several gift baskets during an auction and a 50/50.
Mayor Harry Robbins and Councilwoman Patricia Hodges found themselves with different titles. The mayor and sometimes council members serve as judges for this event. That is no easy task but he was spared that chore this year as he and Hodges participated in it, representing the governing body.
The mayor’s tangy chilly warmed up the day of those who took a sampling while Councilwoman Hodges prepared some delicious soup.

“No judge this year,” the mayor said with a smile. “It is a tough job. All the ingredients we used are right on this sheet. We prepared it all last night and put it into the crock pot. I ground my own beef.”
“I’d like to say I grew my own butternut squash for my soup but I can’t,” Hodges said with a laugh.
Along with her butternut squash soup Hodges put out, “little mini corn muffins here. We know how to do it right.”
The LHS served up a two-bowl soup combo with Councilwoman Bernadette Dugan’s mushroom soup. Dugan is a longtime member of the organization. The group’s second offering was tortellini soup.
“A few years ago, I was here with my son and we served up some lasagna soup,” LHS Trustee Kim Milana said.
Next to Milana was member Deb Levinson who noted both soups were getting very positive responses from those who tried them.
Representing the Borough Police Department was Lt. Iain James who provided some “Hot Pursuit Chili.” “I like to have a little fun with the names. I think it is the spices that really make the chili. It is the same recipe I make every year.”
When asked how many years the police department has been part of the popular event, the officer replied, “quite a few. Six years at least. Probably ever since this event started.”
Council President and Borough First Aid Squad member Steven Oglesby and Squad ambulance driver Marcy Gyer were representing the Squad with their chili offering for the event.
When asked when they last won the event, Gyer remarked, “this year. This is a different recipe and it is better than last year.”
“One of our squad members does all this for us,” Oglesby said.
“Yeah, we watch it and she makes it,” Gyer added.
Oglesby added with a laugh, “well we carried it in.”
Fleet Reserve Association 124 has won the event in the past and they were hoping too again. Member Michael Smith who made the chili this year said, “this is a whole new chili recipe.”

The Arista Cooking Club offered something different this year, Hungarian goulash. “I went on a cruise that went through Europe last year and I visited an area that served up Hungarian goulash. I liked it and I got the recipe,” Bonnie McAuliffe said.
She is a regular at the event having worked as activities director at Arista Care. She retired last year and her daughter Jessica took over that position.
“She retired and I stepped in. We wanted to get the trophy back so I told her we need her,” McAuliffe’s daughter said.
The gift basket prizes filled the stage. “They were all donated by our members and several organizations donated these and some of our local businesses too,” LHS Trustee Heather Cramer said.
Proceeds of the event benefited the Lakehurst Borough Historical Society Museum located across the street from the Community Center.
Event Chairperson Kathy Abrahamsen reported this year’s winners. The winners of Judge’s Choice were Lakehurst Volunteer First Aid Squad for chili. People’s Choice for soup went to Arista Care. People’s Choice for chili went to the Fleet Reserve. Two second place People’s Choice winners were Lakehurst Volunteer First Aid “Misty’s Chili” and Lakehurst Police’s “Hot Pursuit Chili.”