MANCHESTER – Through a grant funded by the Ocean County Board of Commissioners and the support of Township Mayor Robert Arace and the Township council, Manchester Senior Services has started a Senior Social Program.
Senior Services Director Melissa DePalma told The Manchester Times that the program is free to Manchester residents 60 years of age or older and is intended to prevent seniors from feeling isolated. They offer activities to enhance the body and mind.
“Activities include canvas painting, ceramics, yoga, game days and much more. The program is available every other Monday at the Whiting EMS building located at 82 Lacey Road, in the Whiting section of the township,” she said.
DePalma noted that “events are always being added and Manchester Senior Services is always looking for fun ways to keep seniors active. Calendars come out monthly and are distributed through various outlets within the community and posted on the Manchester Township web page under Senior Services.”
Beyond the Senior Social events the department has two offices. The one located at 1 Colonial Drive is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. The Whiting office is located at 82 Lacey Road, and is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m.
“Our office helps with financial assistance applications such as energy assistance, pharmaceutical assistance, food stamps, various property tax credits and home improvement programs,” DePalma said. “We have state health insurance councilors to help with Medicare and supplement insurance questions as well. We also provide medical and non-medical transportation to seniors 60 years of age or older.”
DePalma said, “all services provided from our office are free of charge to Manchester/Lakehurst residents.” She noted that registration is required for the senior social events. To register call Manchester Senior Services at 732-849-8305.
“Manchester Senior Services hopes to continue and expand the program through grant funding next year as well,” DePalma said.