Students Spend Day As School Board Members

Students were chosen to represent board members, board president and vice president, and administrators. (Photo courtesy Howell Schools)

  HOWELL – Students from Howell Township Public Schools had the exciting opportunity to be a Board of Education member for the day.

  The district hosted their 6th Annual Student Board of Education Day, which allows students to voice their opinions and experience the important role each member plays in the education of students. The day also recognizes the hard work and dedication of the members of the Board.

  During the month of February, all fifth-grade students participated in assemblies to learn about the roles and responsibilities of school board members. This prepared students who would then write essays describing district policies they would implement or support to promote a healthy, responsible, and safe learning environment for all students.

  Out of all the essays, a total of 16 students were selected to participate in Student Board of Education Day. Students were picked based on the quality and content of their essays.

A total of 16 students were chosen to participate in Student Board of Education Day. (Photo courtesy Howell Schools)

  Then, the chosen students traveled to the Board Office for the day, where they participated in Board Committee Meetings. Some students were chosen to represent board members, one board president and one board vice president while others were chosen to be senior administrators – including the superintendent – and one was chosen as board attorney.

  At the committee meetings, students discussed various topics which had appeared in their essays. Some themes included: after-school clubs and extracurricular activities; newer and/or more flexible classroom furniture; and school safety patrol programs.

  That evening, the students then conducted their very own board meeting at the Administration Building. As a Board Member, students were seated at the dais alongside a Howell Township Board of Education member.

  The students were then recognized by the Board and the Superintendent at the regular meeting, which was held shortly after the students’ meeting. 

Students traveled to the Board Office for the day to participate in meetings. (Photo courtesy Howell Schools)

  “The Howell Township Public Schools’ Student Board of Education Day serves as an authentic, hands-on learning experience that helps students acquire the skills needed to be active, informed citizens who work collaboratively to address issues that impact their local community.” Jane Losinger, Vice Principal of Ardena School, said.

  “Congratulations to everyone involved and thank you to our Board of Education for continuing to promote this really meaningful, educational experience for our students and for ourselves too,” Superintendent Joseph Isola said.