HOWELL – The Anytowners peer leadership group at Howell High School was thrilled to partner with POAC Autism Services to bring awareness through the Colors for Autism Run, a colorful run/walk that took place on April 23.

As participants ran through the course at Howell High School, colorful powder was thrown on them by student volunteers. The end result was a rainbow of colors and smiles from ear to ear. The event was a huge success and raised over $3,000 dollars for POAC, which stands for Parents of Autistic Children.
The mission of this non-profit organization is to make a difference for every child with autism in New Jersey. The money raised at the Colors for Autism Run will help support the hundreds of free events that POAC sponsors for the autism community.
Howell High School’s Peer Leadership program donated the many colors used during the run. Teacher Tim Hogan helped bring the fundraising event to the school, which has one of the largest autism spectrum disorder support programs in the state of New Jersey. From the banners to the signs to the opening speech, it is clear that Howell High School is a place of autism awareness, acceptance and action.