BERKELEY – Berkeley Township will have another Food Distribution Day for any Berkeley resident in need.
The emergency “crisis” food kits provide a family of four with basic groceries to help residents struggling due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Emergency “crisis” food kits will be distributed at 2 locations – Holiday City At Berkeley Clubhouse parking lot and the Berkeley Recreation Center located 630 Atlantic City Blvd. (Rt. 9) in Bayville.
FOOD PICK-UP’S will last from noon-1:30 p.m. on June 4th. Due to the nature of our generous volunteers helping to sort and distribute food, we ask for residents to wait until after noon to begin lining up.
As recommended by the Centers for Disease Control, the pickup sites will be practicing social distancing and limiting personal interactions. Volunteers will be issued (PPE) Personal Protective Equipment. The distribution of the food kits at each location will be accomplished via drive thru.
Residents will remain in their vehicle with the windows closed. We ask them to open the trunk and our volunteers will put the kit in the trunk or truck bed.
FOOD DELIVERY: For those seniors homebound, or families without transportation, the emergency “crisis” food kits will be delivered. The volunteer delivery person will have no contact as the food kit will be left at the door or porch.
Deliveries will be made from 11 a.m – 5 p.m. on June 4.
Mayor Caren Amato stated, “I would like to thank CEO Kim Guadagno and Fulfill for providing the food, as well as our local residents and restaurants for making donations.”
Residents in need of emergency “crisis” food kits, should please contact Berkeley Recreation, (732) 269-4456 or by email at mdykoff@twp.berkeley.nj.us. When you call or email, please provide your name, address and phone number for follow up.
How To Help
If you’d like to help your neighbors in need, there are ways to do so.
If you’d like to volunteer, call the Recreation Department. We need volunteers to help distribute or sort food.
Donations are always welcome. You can purchase gift cards and deliver them to the Recreation Center.
Anyone looking to donate to Fulfill, please visit their website at fulfillnj.org/donate/